A Counter-Propaganda Manifesto

It's time to take on industry propaganda.

The extraction use and burning of fossil fuels is the cause of global warming. There is no solution to the climate crisis that does not involve the winding down of the fossil fuels industry - to an absolute minimum, as quickly as possible.

  • This will only happen with effective public policy.
  • But the oil and gas industry will not go down without a fight.
  • Industry players are engaged in significant, ongoing propaganda and disinformation campaigns to influence public opinion against effective climate policy.
  • It is essential that these efforts be neutralized because advertising works.
  • And, counter-propaganda works if it is timely, honest, and knows its target audience.
  • But they have vastly more resources than the organizations working to mitigate their impacts.

So, it is essential to get creative.

Facts and positive stories are important, but are not sufficient to counter public opinion influenced by industry propaganda campaigns.

  • Direct counter-propaganda is needed to undermining of the credibility of their dis-information (people hate to feel manipulated), tarnish their brands, and to put a face on the industry by exposing industry leaders as dangerous and dishonest.
  • The growing networks of activist organizations and citizen-activists is our super-power.
  • It is important to harness the power of mass media, creating effective counter-propaganda that can be efficiently leveraged across multiple channels in coordinated campaigns, utilizing and supporting these networks.
  • What is needed are guerrilla tactics: quick, cheap, and unconventional.

Plastics is an important strategic target.

The oil and gas industry has their sights on dramatic growth in plastics, and other petrochemicals, to offset decreasing demand due to the inevitable electrification of transportation and home heating.

  • According to the Center for International Environmental Law, under current industry plans global emissions from plastics will grow threefold by 2050: " If output grows as planned, plastic would use up between 10 and 13 percent of the carbon emissions allowable if warming is to stay below 1.5 degrees Celsius"
  • Large petrochemical infrastructure investments are being made now. Since 2010 over $200B have been invested in plastics and petrochemical production, and the investment is ongoing.
  • In addition to its large carbon footprint, plastics are poising our bodies, polluting the oceans, and filling up landfills. Plastics are an unequivocal environmental disaster!


A Conversation Starter.

This mock campaign is meant to be a conversation starter, and there are many directions that this could go. I am looking to join forces with others who share my convictions and have complementary skills. I am an expert media creator with deep experience in technology management and marketing, and a passion for environmental and environmental justice issues. I seek opportunities to contribute these skills to a larger effort, as an employee or as a paid collaborator.

The Plastics Recycling Lie video, and this website are meant to showcase some of my media production skills, and put forward some ideas that I have about how media can be effectively used as a tool of environmental activism.

If you are part of an organization that needs someone who:

  • is skilled at graphics, photography, video, and audio production and post-production
  • is knowledgeable about the issues of climate and the energy transition
  • is knowledgeable about propaganda strategies and counter-strategies
  • Has solid marketing, project management, and organizational management skills and experience
Then we should talk.



Additional Targets

Fossil Fuel Industry propaganda needs to be confronted on multiple fronts:

  • Oil and Gas
  • Plastics
  • Synthetic fertilizers and insecticides
  • Petrochemicals
All of these industries are significant contributors to global warming, environmental pollution, and social injustice, and all engage in deceptive advertising practices to cover there complicity.

Here is an example of another type of counter-propaganda campaign:

The oil and gas industry is investing heavily into propaganda to undermine the Biden Administration's climate agenda. As a part of their propaganda campaign they are advertising on facebook with ads that attempt to appeal to anti-taxation inclinations and job-loss fears of voters. But this is a deflection of the real issues, and it needs a response:

  • make it personal…. put a face on the oil industry
  • move the conversation away from the tax and jobs straw man and back to the real issue
  • call out the hypocrisy and dishonesty
  • counter the 'corporations are people' message in Energy Citizens by pointing out that they are actually corporations
  • request an action that could get the attention of the oil companies

They do this:

My Image

Counter with this:

My Image